This Friday has been one that ended with me waving goodbye to my kiddo's on the school buses while simultaneously shouting "freeeeeeeeeedooommmmm!!!" under my breath... Our mantra here is "Love with all you have; Laugh at all the things that don't matter". I am realizing more and more that all I have isn't enough. I need so much more, for the people around me, including but not limited to the kiddos. These people have so many needs, and don't necessarily give back. I'm realizing that when I pour into other's lives, it leaves me desperately dry. I am a cracked vessel, and couldn't stay full if I wanted to... My mom shared a quote from one of her radio preachers (I forget who it was): "The only way to keep a broken vessel full is to keep it unter the faucet." How true I have found this! Within the first month of working with these kiddos, I was as dry as a bone. What a necessary lesson for me to learn, and how thankful I am that I know where the Living Water comes from!
I may walk through firey trials that lick up what moisture is left, or I may find myself in a barren land, parched to the core. I may wander, lost in a valley of confusion, or press forward like a runner in a race. In all these, I will end with nothing if I do not keep myself hydrated by His grace.
Learning more about Him, who He is and how He cares for me; this is how He keeps me full. He leads me by still waters, when I meet Him in the quiet garden. He pours down rain of fellowship on me when I am pressed, rushed, and torn. It is Him, the Lord my God, who sets me up and leads me on.
Lord, let me never forget that it is You who gives this living water. Forbid that I ever seek water from another. Let me not grow faint in thirst, but keep my cup running over.
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